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Ask your data anything

Most financial services companies have thousands (sometimes millions) of conversation recordings sitting in their database. Insights gives you the power to find answers to business-critical questions about your customer service team performance, customers and market.

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Critical questions 

Your customers are your business. They hold the answers to understanding what changes you need to make to deliver better outcomes for them.


Brocaly's AI processes vast amounts of conversation data through large language models, meaning you can extract the answers you need, when you need them.

Ask your data anything

Once all your conversation data has been processed, you can search for the answers you need to know - just like you would using ChatGPT or Bard.

Ask one-off questions, or get daily or weekly summary reports.

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Ready to see Brocaly in action?

Request to access the most advanced Customer Intelligence and Automation platform and see why the UK's leading financial services organisations choose us.

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