Free FCA Compliance Check on 100% of your calls
Automatically check 100% of your calls against FCA compliance in minutes using our free AutoQA tool.
Identify Vulnerable Customers and follow the TEXAS protocol
Acknowledge and handle Complaints
Ensure you are Treating Customers Fairly
Follow DPA steps for data privacy
Not checking 100% of your calls?​
✓ Get confident in your compliance quickly with this free service.
Already checking all of your calls?
✓ Use this free specialist compliance service for extra assurance.
Request Free Access
We are making this service available to 20 FCA-regulated firms in March 2024.
Eligibility criteria:
Regulated by the FCA
Operating in Consumer Credit, Collections, Mortgages, Insurance, Pensions or Financial Advice
2,000+ customer conversations handled per month
Fill in the form below to request access. We will be in touch to answer any questions and help get you set up.
Already being used by...
How does it work?
You send us a copy of your calls (e.g through SFTP, upload or integration).
We transcribe your calls (if you haven't already).
We check every conversation and score against the 5 FCA criteria.
See results
You can access the results on your dashboard within minutes.
Why are you making this available for free?
If we grant you access to this service, you will be welcome to use it for free, and we won’t expect any more from you.
However, we do have further services that will allow you to unlock value from your customer conversations.
Customised AutoQA – to check against areas specific to your products & services, match your current scorecards
Alerts – calls requiring attention sent straight to your Inbox, Teams or Slack
Smart Insights – weekly snapshots uncovering actionable insight hidden in your, showing you how you can improve your operation (e.g. compliance, complaints, impairment, productivity, conversion)
In-depth Analysis – our data team can pore over the reams of unstructured data and help you to draw out insights that you haven’t been able to answer before.
Right now we want to get you started on our free service. We will be more than delighted to show you these further services when you are ready.
Will my customer data be safe?
The short answer to this is ‘Yes’.
We are set up to process the data of FCA-regulated UK businesses. We know that customer conversations include private data (PII) and sensitive information such as personal circumstances. So we are set up at every stage to handle all data in a safe and compliant manner. We can provide further information as part of the setup process.
Something else on your mind?
We'd be glad to chat and answer anything, just email our team: