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AutoQA by Brocaly

Automatically check 100% of your customer conversations for quality and compliance

  • Check 100% of conversations for quality & compliance

  • Identify & flag potential issues, complaints and vulnerable customers for escalation

  • Automatically give detailed conversation feedback to agents to drive improvements

  • Show managers where their team needs additional help & training

  • Generate compliance reporting for the FCA, board and partners

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The challenge for organisations

Most organisations don't know what's going on in 98% of their customer conversation.

Typically QA of customer contact looks like...

Manual QA:

❌ 2% vs 100% coverage

❌ Escalation based on random sample

❌ Measures sample of full picture

❌ Feedback limited & delayed

As a result organisations lack insight into customer conversations and miss critical business information.

Automated QA - Keyword Identification:

✅ 100% coverage

✅ Rapid processing

❌ Limited capacity for understanding

❌ Little useful feedback

❌ Time-consuming setup

Introducing AutoQA

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1) Understanding conversations:

AutoQA from Brocaly...

  • ​Uses GenAI to build deep understanding of what is really happening in a conversation

  • Allows organisations to accurately evaluate criteria like 'did the collections agent offer suitable solutions for the customer’s situation'?

  • This offers a far more reliable and sophisticated view than traditional keyword / key-phrase analysis

2) Check against key criteria: 

  • AutoQA reviews every single conversation against customised criteria important to you (e.g compliance, call-flow and language)

  • Access a scorecard for every conversation showing you a score and rationale for each criterion

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3) This results in:

✅ 100% of conversations being checked for quality & compliance
✅ Human-like understanding of conversation & situation
✅ Instant flagging of potential issues & complaints for escalation 
✅ Detailed feedback for agents to drive improvement
✅ Managers knowing where their team need additional support
✅ Automatic compliance reporting for the FCA, board and partners

Check out the interactive tour below to see how AutoQA works

What this means for your organisation ...

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Boot Collections

Boost collections 

Most organisations have a large gap between their top performers and their average agent. This significantly hurts collection performance.

How can AutoQA help increase collections ?


  • Close the gap between agents with customised feedback helping to boost the performance of average agents

  • Flag high risk conversations and clients so urgent attention can be given

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Minimise Complaints
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Minimise complaints 

Complaints can be very costly for organisations. They are a serious operational headache leading to an increase in costs and valuable time wasted by team leaders and management.

How AutoQA can help to reduce complaints?

  • Flag potential issues early, so you can to proactively address poorly handled conversations reducing volume of complaints

  • Provide agent feedback helping to reduce number of complaints by improving agent best practice

  • Provides immediate access to recordings and transcript reducing the time spent handling any potential complaints that arise

Ensure Compliance

Ensure compliance 

Adhering to FCA regulation (e.g. Consumer Duty) is imperative to FS organisations.

How can help AutoQA ensure compliance?

  • Check 100% of conversations against your custom QA scorecard in minutes

  • Flag conversations that don't follow FCA regulation and require immediate intervention

  • Generate compliance reports to share with FCA, board and partners 

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Increase Prodctivity
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Increase productivity 

High levels of agent productivity is vital for any organisation. However, too often agents waste time on calls increasing an organisations overheads.

How can AutoQA help increase productivity?

  • Provide feedback where agents can more effectively spending their time helping to reduce wasted time on calls


  • Provide automated summaries of call outcomes reducing the time agents spent on writing up customer conversations

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Ready to see Brocaly in action?

See our interactive tour guiding you through the AutoQA platform:

Want to find out more information?

Speak to a member of our team to ask any questions or view a live demo:

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